Author Guides

Articles submitted to the Canadian Journal of Development Studies (CJDS) are assessed anonymously by two or more outside readers (usually three). It currently takes from 8 to 12 months for an initial decision regarding publication. We do not publish articles submitted simultaneously to other journals or previously published. CJDS is not responsible for the opinions expressed in the articles. Articles are not usually accepted for publication until after revisions are completed and reviewed. Once your article has been accepted for publication, you cannot withdraw it without the Editor’s approval.

Submission of manuscripts

Make sure your MS meets all the editorial guidelines below and e-mail it as a Word file to the editorial office with Article Submission as the subject line. Our e-mail address is <>.

Editorial Guidelines
  • Ensure that your article is no longer than 30 double-spaced pages, including the list of references (about 7000 words of text plus a two-page bibliography).
  • Include a cover page stating the title of the article, author’s name, a short biographical note—including affiliation, research interests, and e-mail address—and acknowledgements, if applicable.
  • Include an abstract, in English and French, of no more than 100 words (each language).
  • Include an introduction, a conclusion, and a bibliography or list of references.
  • If using letter size (8.5 x 11), leave a margin of at least 1 inch all around. If using A4 size paper, please leave a 2-inch margin at the bottom.
  • Double space and left align text (leaving a ragged right margin) throughout.
  • Avoid sexist language.
  • Check for grammar and spelling errors before submission.
  • Centre titles of main sections and number them in Roman numerals (I, II, IV, etc.). The Introduction and Conclusion should not have section numbers. Use capital letters (A, B, C, etc.) to identify titles of subsections and number any further subdivisions in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.).
  • Lists within the body of the text should be numbered:
    1. First item;
    2. Second item;
    3. Final item.
  • Write numbers below 10 in letters, and those 10 and above in numerals.
  • Use % in tables but percent in text.
  • Use italics only for publication titles, foreign words, equations, algebraic variables, statistical symbols, test scores, scales, etc.
  • Limit the tables and figures and provide them on separate pages and in electronic format (TIF or EPS only). Maps and other illustrations must be TIF or EPS format or camera-ready copy. Number tables and figures consecutively and indicate their location in the text (ensure that information in tables corresponds to the descriptions in text). Tables should be in an Excel spreadsheet file or in Word in tab delimited format. The author must replace tables and figures that are not in the correct format.
  • Limit words in quotation marks. Indent quotations of more than 40 words and leave out quotation marks. Ensure that you have received permission to reproduce materials that are subject to copyright laws.
  • Limit footnotes to content notes only, number them consecutively, and place them at the bottom of corresponding pages.
  • Indicate references in the text, using the author-date method of reference, e.g. (Smith 1980), (Jackson 1987, 10; Jones 1990, ch. 2). Where there is more than one citation, list alphabetically by author.
  • Provide a complete and accurate list of references that you have cited (the names and dates of publications cited in text must correspond to the full references in the list). Do not list works not cited.
  • Ensure you have provided complete information in your references, including page numbers for articles in journals and parts of books, and the date accessed for Web references. CJDS cannot publish articles where sources are not completely and correctly documented.

CJDS uses the following style for bibliographical references:


Jones, H., and P. Eng (2001) The Development Dilemma, Toronto: Between the Lines.

McClelland, D. (1961) The Achieving Society, Princeton, New Jersey: Van Nostrand.


Rostow, W.W. (1971) “The Take Off into Self-Sustained Growth,” in J.L Finkle and R.W. Gable (eds.) Political Development and Social Change, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 260–65.


Johnston , C.M. (1997) “Labour and New Industrialization in Malaysia,” Canadian Journal of Development Studies 18:3, 395–418.