CJDS welcomes submissions of papers in the following categories.
Regular Issues
On international development from diverse disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives (maximum of about 7000 words of text plus a two-page list of references).
Thematic Sections (regular issues with a thematic section)
- Human development: conceptualizing the local and questions of social difference
- The political economy of world development and neoliberalism (globalization, privatization, liberalization, deregulation): critical perspectives
- Free or fair trade in the new world order
- Globalization: human rights and security dimensions, and the quest for good governance
- Labour in the new world economic order
- Economic growth, social inequalities, and the war on poverty
- The new world political (dis)order: human and global security, human rights, and the good governance agenda
- The quest for world domination, the war on terrorism, and the “new imperialism”
- Reconceptualizing social change, knowledge, and new forms of development discourse
- Decentralization, municipalization, and the dynamics of local development
- Development from the grassroots, social capital, and sustainable livelihoods
Voices from the Field
CJDS welcomes submissions from practitioners in the field of international development studies. Such submissions should take the form of reasoned and well-constructed arguments about important development issues from the perspective of someone working in the field as a development practitioner, policy-maker, or educator. Although papers of this type, normally limited to 12 pages of double-spaced text (a minimum of 4), need not rigorously conform to the academic style and format of normal submissions to CJDS, they should be well-written and provide a significant contribution to either the study or the practice of international development studies.
Book Review Essays
Reviews of a number of recently published books on a particular critical development theme (1500–2500 words) as well as regular single book reviews (500–600 words) are welcome.
For submission procedures and manuscript formatting requirements consult the CJDS Author Guide.